When a family member has a hearing loss, the whole family has a hearing problem” -Mark Ross. Hearing loss does not occur in a vacuum. Studies show that untreated hearing loss can negatively impact our relationships with family and friends and particularly with those closest to us, such as our romantic partners. Living with someone
Developing a treatment plan for an APD is a thorough process of determining what areas you are struggling in. Our audiologists are currently undergoing training to better identify these areas in order to provide a more detailed form of therapy. Treatment plans will also be tailored to age and language development. They will be a series
With the shift to online learning last year, we noticed a significant increase in parents bringing their children in to be tested for central auditory processing disorder (CAPD). This often comes from recommendations of the child’s teachers or physicians (though a doctor referral is not required to make an appointment). If someone has CAPD it
Developing a treatment plan for an APD is a thorough process of determining what areas you are struggling in. Our audiologists are currently undergoing training to better identify these areas in order to provide a more detailed form of therapy. Treatment plans will also be tailored to age and language development. They will be a series
One of the most obvious effects of hearing loss is the difficulty with communicating effectively with others and enjoying typical sounds of everyday life, like birds singing and children laughing. But did you know that any type of hearing — from mild to severe — can have an impact on your physical health, too? Studies show that
Hearing loss is the fastest growing, and one of the most prevalent, chronic conditions facing Canadians today. While hearing loss has many causes, age-related (presbycusis) and noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) are the two most common types. While some forms of hearing loss cannot be prevented, noise-induced hearing loss is preventable. Noise-induced hearing loss is caused by